Friday, March 16, 2012

Lovely Wanaka

People following this blog are probably sick of me saying things are lovely, beautiful etc. but it is really how we feel.   We have been blest with almost perfect weather.  I even had to get shorts out one day – had packed them away thinking I wouldn’t need them again until The Cook Islands.

Wanaka really is wonderful – it reminds us of the Okanagan.  After Diane and Paul left we went for a drive in the Otago wine region.  It apparently is recognized as one of the best Pinot Noir regions in the world.  They were excellent.  This region was near Tarras where Shrek was from.  A teacher at the Tarras Elementary School wrote the original story and all profits from the Shrek franchise, go to the school so it is the best funded school in New Zealand.  This is also where Icebreaker Clothing began so they contract for all of the Merino wool in the area.  Apparently it is finer than other Merino wool.  We did have a bit of rain in the morning but nothing significant.

Future Icebreaker Clothing!
 Yesterday was really lovely and warm.  We went to Puzzling World, a place of illusions and then we drove out to Mount Aspiring (about 50 km from Wakana) – at least we went as far as Lois would let me go!  I had checked at the ranger office and they said the road was passable all the way.  We saw great scenery and even 10 or 12 hang gliders drifting on the air currents.
Hang Gliders
Where Lois Rained on My Parade!!
Mount Aspiring
 At dinner time we went to Café Paradiso, a movie theater where you can eat before, during or after the movie.  It has various seating – old sofas and love seats, a car, airplane seats etc.  We had read about it in Lonely Planet.  We saw The Decendants and really enjoyed it.

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